mail: mdigennaro _at_ ulg _dot_ ac _dot_ be
Tel: +32 4 366 21 25
Outline of my PhD thesis (Sept 2015)
Research interests:
- spin dependent Seebeck effect
- spin currents, torques and other related effects
- effects of spin-orbit coupling on ferromagnets’ exchange field
- effects of temperature on materials’ stability
Brief CV:
2011 – Present : Université de Liège
Ph.D. Student – FRIA scholarship holder
2008 – 2011: Universita’ di Bari
Master’s Degree in Theoretical Physics
You can find my Master’s thesis (Replica Trick in a finite size Spin Glass) here!
2005 – 2008: Universita’ di Bari
Bachelor’s Degree in Physics
List of publications:
1) MDG, SK Saha, MJ Verstraete. Phys. Rev. Lett. 111, 025503 (2013)
Complete CV
Tel.: +32 (0)4 366 5945